Beannachtaí na hAthbhliana oraibh ar fad! Our pupils are busy playing sports ar scoil. Rugby training is ongoing with Rang 4,5&6. Páistí from Rang 3&4 participated in indoor football & hurling blitzs. Irish dancing lessons have started with Muinteoir Deirdre. Rang Niamh, our autism class, have been busy making pizzas. Comhghairdeas le Peggy & Oscar who won prizes in the Blarney Credit Union art competition and mile buiochas to Blarney CU for donating high vis vests to the school. Go raibh maith agaibh! Our Rang 6 enjoyed a retreat with Fr Fitzgerald before their Confirmation this month. Slán go fóill ó GS Mhuscraí!