Deputy Lord Mayor Damian Boylan launched the second volume of talented local author Jessica Griffin’s series ‘One Piece Missing’ last weekend, which began with Voiceworks Indie choir singing ‘Together we can change the world’, a song Jessica chose to reinforce her message that ‘You are not alone, never give up’. Her second comic ‘Leaving the Red Door’ deals with how Jessica and her autism managed and navigated transferring to a new secondary school, the Leaving Certificate and the emotions and challenges that come with it. The launch was attended by Don O’Leary and Rachel Lucey, Cork Life Centre, who spoke of their love for Jessica and her time at the centre where she changed routines, explored and experienced moving outside of the box, pushing boundaries in her years there. Both the Deputy Lord Mayor and Don and Rachel spoke of the importance of supportive parents, like the Griffin family, and friends to nurture the talents of our young people. You can follow Jessica on Instagram at jessiegh_designs.