The Board of Management of are delighted to announce that the care of the residents of Mount Cara is secure and that Mount Cara is to remain open. Following extensive discussions and negotiations with the HSE, HIQA and a number of healthcare providers a solution has been found that will allow the residents of Mount Cara to stay in their home. The Board met last week with the residents and staff to share the good news, which was met with delight by the residents and their families and by the staff. In seeking for a solution to the proposed closure of Mount Cara, the safety and welfare of the residents was at all times the primary consideration. In considering proposals from interested partners, the board was guided by following four criteria; that Mount Cara remains open, that the residents remain in Mount Cara, that the current staff would be retained and that Mount Cara would be put on a long term managerial and secure financial footing At a recent Board meeting, the Board has agreed to partner with Michael O Shea from Corpus Christi Nursing Home in relation to the ongoing operation of Mount Cara, this partnership is subject to due diligence and contract. As Dr John Sheehan Chair Mount Cara said, “This is a good day for Mount Cara. The future of Mount Cara is ensured.’