New year starts at Vicarstown National School

We were delighted to welcome everybody back to school after what was a lovely summer. A special welcome to new students and their families in Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 5th class and our Early Intervention ASD class. We would also like to welcome our new staff members, teachers Áine O’Connor, Áine Golden and Sarah Mooney, and SNA’s Elaine Hourigan and Jennifer Scully.

We were thrilled to see some of our former 6th class pupils who paid us a visit on their 1st half day, sporting their new school uniforms. We wish them the very best of luck in their new schools.

Football training is up and running and matches should be beginning next week. We are really looking forward to this years Sciath no Scol tournament.

Work is to begin on two new prefabs on Monday September 10th as we are adding two extra class rooms. We are delighted to have three new Interactive Panels ready for use in the school and hope to have all interactive whiteboards upgraded to interactive panels during the school year.

After a fantastic summer and lots of care and watering (thanks to the families who took on the summer rota duties) we have had a truly bountiful harvest from our school garden. We harvested peas, strawberries, cabbage, onions, squash, carrots, blue berries, 3 varieties of tomatoes, rhubarb and potatoes. We also have loads of flowers such as sweet pea, marigolds, calendula, campanula to name but a few. Our herbs are doing really well, we have chives, sage, thyme and rosemary. The pupils enjoyed the harvest and sampling the various fruit and junior infants
