Could Tai-Chi improve your life?

In this fast moving world, lots of us suffer from chronic illness, fatigue and stress causing unprecedented levels of depressions, addictions and suicides. We can improve our physical and mental state with Tai-Chi movements which will help us to destress by changing our body’s fundamentals including our posture, breathing, balance, awareness, concentration and fitness levels Tai Chi offers detailed, serious and comprehensive tuition in the powerful, life changing movement and mind arts of Tai Chi and Qi-Gong giving us a body and mind opening education in the potential of our body for relaxed power and strength, body awareness, balanced, smooth and co-ordinated movement plus a very subtle and beautiful method of meditation/mindfulness. Suitable for anyone of any age, it can enhance any professional sport and repair many long-term postural problems, as well as providing a wealth of other benefits.

Why not try out a class today? It will probably be the best New Years resolution you will ever make Classes will be held at Christies Health Studios, Blarney, every Wednesday from 11am to 12noon Introductory Offer 6 week term only €50 Contact Liam Griffin @ 085 8609308
