The five men executed by British Crown Forces following the ill-fated Dripsey Ambush all of 95 years ago will be remembered in a special slide show presentation by Tim O’Brien on Monday January 18th at 8pm as part of the Muskerry Local History programme of events in the new season. The show at the Ballincollig Rugby Club will include news on the formation of the volunteers in the Donoughmore, Courtbrack and Inniscarra areas; the ambush plan; the capture of volunteers; the subsequent court martial; the traumatic execution morning at Cork’s Victoria Barracks; the construction of a monument at Dripsey and some important commemoration ceremonies at the ambush site through the decades. Those executed following that War of Independence mission were Thomas O’Brien, Dripsey; Daniel O’Callaghan, Dripsey; John Lyons, Coachford; Patrick O’Mahony, Berrings; Timothy McCarthy, Fornaught, Donoughmore; while a sixth volunteer, James Barrett, Firmount, Donoughmore, died from injuries received on the day of the engagement. Mr O’Brien would be delighted to receive any pictures from the volunteer era in East Muskerry and these would be returned, once copied with the permission of the owner. These, or any relevant information in the ambush itself, may be sent to 15 Beverley Drive, Melbourn, Bishopstown, Cork. Telephone 087 2940661.