The pupils from Vicarstown National School really got into the swing of Maths Week last month. 5th and 6th class enjoyed a Maths Trail around the school. The pupils had to find the answers to questions such as: How many bricks were used to build the wall at the entrance of the school? How many vertical and horizontal bars were used in the fence around the playground. They did a traffic survey where they presented a breakdown of the vehicles by colour, popularity of vehicle make etc. They found out what direction the school was facing and how many right angles corners there are in the building. Other classes had to do word searches and anagrams for homework, these activities even challenged a few of the parents! During Science week our in-house scientists are experimenting all week long here at the School. Caution Scientists at work! Grandparents Day in 1st and 2nd Class. Ms.. O’Sullivan and 1st and 2nd Class had a very interesting morning with three Grandads from the community who came and told everyone about their experience of primary school. The children and teachers alike were surprised by differences between life at school 40 years ago and today. Most children walked to school. They had to do jobs for the teachers such as gathering fire wood for the fire and clean the school. The children were slapped if they were bold and they had to go to the shed outside as there were no toilets inside the school building. The children did not wear a uniform. We were honoured when Rena Buckley, 16 times All Ireland Winner, paid us a visit to show the Cups from the 2015 All Ireland Hurling and Football finals this year. Rena is a great inspiration to all of the pupils and advised the children to practice their sporting skills, eat healthily and get plenty of sleep! Orlaith Savage did herself and her family proud recently at a Showjumping Tournament in Whites Cross, Cork. Orlaith won 1st prize in the 1st in 70cms and 80cms! Well done Orlaith. Carys Murray and Sarah Carroll both came 3rd in their groups for Karate. They are pictured here with their lovely medals. Well done to all our players and supporters at the Sciath na Scol last week. We are so proud of all of the players for their hard work throughout this year’s football campaign. Yesterdays match was played at a high pace with great skill on show. We congratulate Leamlara NS on their hard fought victory and wish them well. We salute our amazing players who represented our school with distinction again. We’ll have another go next year! Taithí a dhéanann máistreacht. We had great success also at the three blitzes which were held recently. The girls had a Mini Sevens Football match in Firmount. The boys had a Mini 7s in Eire Og and a junior football blitz in Mourneabbey. Our Chess Club is in full swing and is a great way to spend break time when it is raining.