We are very proud of our Senior Infant student, Emma O’Sullivan, who was selected as a semi-finalist in the Doodle 4 Google ‘My Perfect Day’ Competition. Emma, pictured, has received a certificate for her work and will hopefully go on to be selected as part of the finalists in the competition. We wait, with baited breath to see what will happen! Good luck Emma! In our recent ‘Wear Red for the Heart’ no-uniform day we raised €156 which was presented to Ms. Andrea Ambrose of the Irish Heart Foundation. Andrea made a presentation on the importance of looking after your heart to all of the pupils and treated them to some tasty, healthy, chocolate chip cookies. Seachtain na Gaeilge proved to be a great success. Lots of activities were held to celebrate and embrace our native language and culture. All children from Junior Infants to Sixth Class were busy partaking in colouring competitions, quizzes, speakers of the week and they also enjoyed a lively concert including live Irish music and dancing which took place on Thursday March 12th. Thaitin seachtain na Gaeilge go mór le páistí na scoile. Ghlac na paistí páirt in imeachtaí chun an ghaeilge a chur chun cinn agus chun ár dteanga agus ár gcultúr féin a cheiliúradh. Bhí duaiseaanna do “Chainteoir na Seachtaine”, comórtas ealaíne maraon le tráth na gceist. Bhí ceolchoirm iontach sa scoil ar an nDéardaoin le rinceoirí gaelacha agus le cheol tradisiúnta den scoth! Bhain idir óg agus aosta an-sult as! An Ghaeilge … Is Linne í. Thank you to Ms. Eilish Quane, Engineer, who made a presentation to all classes to celebrate Engineering Week. The pupils found the talk really interesting and enjoyed participating in the experiments. 1st and 2nd class made boats out of recycles materials, 3rd and 4th class pupils combined Art and History in their exploration of the topic ‘House and Homes from the Past and Present’, using the examples of types and styles of homes from the past as inspiration. They constructed these models of their ideal homes using materials salvaged from the school recycling collection. They thoroughly enjoyed the activity, consolidating what they had learned in a series of classes through creative means. 5th and 6th class have been working for the last two months on a project entitled ‘Our World in Our Hands’ for the World Irish Aid Awards competition. The theme for this year’s competition is ‘Caring for our World’ and the pupils explored the eight Millennium Development Goals and the impact of climate change on the achievement of these goals. They also looked at the steps they themselves can take to create a more sustainable world. As part of the project they wrote a song, made a story book for younger children created a board game and with the aid of a slide show presented their project to the parents.