Bhí Márta fíor ghnóthach i nGS Mhuscraí! March was very gnóthach in GS Mhuscraí between Seachtain na Gaeilge activities and Easter celebrations. Our Student Council organised an Easter Egg art competition. We had a lively tráth na gceist & Irish paired reading sessions for Seachtain na Gaeilge. Our Sciath na Scol teams are excited to play more cluichí soon. Rang 4-6 received a fantastic workshop on online safety from Ger Brick. They are looking forward to starting Spanish classes soon with Languages Connect. Rang 4 were busy sprucing up our yard with plenty a Spring flowers-bláthanna and Earraigh. Táimid ag tnúth le téarma an tsamhraidh go luath! Slán go fóill!