November edition out now! The November edition of The Muskerry News will be in all usual outlets tomorrow and online for our overseas...
Don plays the last song for Jim It was a strange journey of synchronicity that brought together a retired County Cork builder, Jim Colbert, his loving...
Ballincollig Tidy Towns scoop top award The Muintir na Tire Pride In Our Community Awards took place late last month, this year the competition was...
Ballincollig Credit Union to celebrate 50th Anniversary in 2022! Ballincollig Credit Union are looking for some help from the people of Ballincollig as they look forward to their...
Behind the castle walls with Adam October is one of my favourite months as it generally brings dramatic changes throughout the grounds and gardens. It’s...
Monica brings style and colour to Blarney! There are five things adopted Blarney woman Monica Rodrigues loves in life – her family, her safe haven, fashion,...
Never-Say-Die club publish fascinating history ‘Blarney United, A Never-Say-Die Outfit’, the history of Blarney United was launched last week at Blarney Castle Hotel. This...
Seven years of dedication published Local man Robert Devoy is one of the authors of ‘The Coastal Atlas of Ireland’ and has dedicated seven...
Christine’s devotion recognised with award Our October Blarney Person of the Month is Christine Terry. Christine, and her husband Mark live in Whitechurch and...
Pat climbs to new heights! In 2004 Pat McMahon, single-handledy started a hospital in Varanasi, India, which still operates today as the charity ‘Mothers...