The October 2015 Person of The Month is Kay Dennehy The October 2015 person of the well known and well liked local lady Kay Dennehy. As one of her...
Congratulations! Jackie Manley and Lynn-Marie Dennehy pictured at their graduation Ceremony in CIT where they received their degrees of Batchelor...
Tales From the White Horse On November 5th 2015 at 8pm in the White Horse, Ballincollig, LitWrits held an evening to launch their debut...
All welcome to Blarney Toastmasters Blarney Toastmasters meet every second and fourth Tuesday of each month at Blarney Woolen Mills Hotel. November meetings are...
Ballincollig Business Association Networking breakfast in the Oriel House Hotel to welcome all the new business that have opened recently in Ballincollig. Emer Cassidy...
Nuacht na Míosa ó Gaelscoil Mhuscraí! Bhíomar an-ghnóthach ar fad ar scoil an mhí seo. We had an action-packed schedule at school this month. All...
Well done Chloe! Well done to big hearted nine year old Chloe Cotter who organised a party recently in Kerry Pike for...
Unusual aspects of the Land War in Mid Cork Muskerry Local History Society are organising a lecture on local aspects of the Land War of the 1880s. The...
Busy month for Cloghroe National School Anti-bullying Workshops. Mr. Pat Courtney, an experienced teacher, educationalist and facilitator presented pupils, teachers and parents in Cloghroe National...
Congratulations Scoil Eoin Leo Lowney, Scoil Eoin Ballincollig, Winners of Excellence in Education Award, pictured receiving the award from Michael Loftus CIT...